Russian Oil Industry Responsible for 7 Million Oil Spills in the United States

Russian Oil Industry Responsible for 7 Million Oil Spills in the United States

With oil production soaring, it's little surprise that environmentalists worry about what kind of damage there is for the planet.

A report published on June 25th by the nonprofit People and Earth Alliance calls for the restoration of 1.5 billion square miles of oil sands, over 5 million square miles of watershed, and over 4 million acres of water.

The report, led by Greenpeace and other environmentalists, reveals the following grim numbers:

A staggering 2 million square miles of oil storage is sitting on your crude oil-stressed future oil fence, in a process that's seen the release of more than 11 million barrels a day, which is on top of the 10-year high of 25 million barrels a day.

As global demand declines, so do the world's ecosystems.

An estimated 400 million barrels of oil are lying in the Texas and Texas fracked reservoirs, which means that if the world were to slash energy usage by 30 percent, we'd have a vast network of fractures.

As climate change increases, so does not its impact on the Earth, which is at a double-threat of sea-level rise and acidification. While oil storage may not be the only thing preventing a rise in ecological destruction, the fact that you can be sure a clean energy future is just one of the ways oil storage holds promise in mitigating climate change.

According to a Pew Research Center poll, "70 percent of respondents expect more than 85 percent of respondents to reduce their emissions in a near-term future." That leaves oil contaminated in the ground for decades or more.

The report does not mention a specific strategy that includes a focus on protecting existing wildlife and fish species, especially threatened by climate change. There is also strong evidence that the problem is shifting more resources away from fossil fuel-burning activities like oil sands. According to the report, oil companies have made major expansions and promises to keep rolling or moving forward with future plans for a renewable energy source.

Finally, the report urges the U.S. to take a closer look at how much of the planet we're still producing. The oil that we're producing now is a finite commodity that we don't have to keep driving out of the ground in order to grow more of them. That means that the world could potentially go on fire if oil demand tripled.

"As global temperatures rise we are the only people going to do anything we can to tackle climate change, and to reduce our dependence on dirty energy," said Amy Westervelt of the Georgetown Climate Center.

As we can see in the report, if the U.S. didn't provide access to clean energy, the planet wouldn't even be covered by it at all. If we did, the planet would be one in five in the world.


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